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Ultimately, we are looking for those authors who have written the visionary book they always wanted to write, but meanwhile we are helping established authors to revisit the quality works that made them famous, and hope to do so again.


If  your work has merit but doesn't fit within our current remit, then we will offer helpful suggestions, relevant contacts, remedies or the tools to self-publish for free if that is your wish.


Bill Allerton


Cybermouse Publishers Author Books

Cybermouse MultiMedia Ltd.




...was created in September 2013 out of a sense of despair regarding the parlous state of a publishing industry where Publishers can only be approached by Agents and Agents can only be approached if there's an 'R' in the month, or something similarly arcane.

As writers ourselves, we understand the frustration of other writers trying hard to get their valued work into print.


Cybermouse Publishers Author Books
Cybermouse Publishers Author Books

'The Cybermouse Ethic'

We became so tired of the 'Duty Free Shop' style of literature that we decided to break the mould and produce only that prose which we found to be original, disturbingly beautiful, or downright lyrical and sensitive.


We are NOT vanity publishers, and are financed in a new and innovative manner that gives more control to the author once the production is complete.


We are non-elitist and eclectic in our choice of genre with grace, beauty and a perceptively original use of language as our main criteria.


We realise that the above criteria would normally remove our authors from acceptability within a publishing mainstream that has a tendency to stifle the new and the original and deserving.



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